Input data, CAD / CAE formats conversion (schema, layout, motive):
- We accept any type of data, paper or other manual data
- We prefer electronic formats - OrCad, Altium, Pads, Eagle, Formica and more
- We offer CAD/CAE format conversion - OrCAD, Altium, PADS, EAGLE, Allegro, Protel, P-CAD ...
- We offer output format conversion - Gerber, GenCAD, GenCAM, EDIF, ODB++, IPC-D-356, IPC-2581
PCB Designng, layout components
- We design component layouts - SMD, THT
- Layout with respect to internal and external interference to minimize elelctro-magnetic dissipation of PCB
- Power and analog buses are routed manually with the supervision of an engineer
- Design is done in the needed pattern class, from III (insulation gap of 1mm) to VII (less than 0.15mm)
- Optimization with a sophisticated push-up and rip-up auto-router
Re-design of old fashioned PCB
- Based on an existing PCB, we transform it to CAD / CAE format
- We update and modernize actual technology - THT changed to SMD, reduced in size, with no loss of functionality
- As a result, we will develop updated circuits with up-to-date components and technology
Data generation for fabrication
- We deliver a drill plan, connection motive, solder mask, silkscreen, paste, and pick and place in CAD/CAE format
- We deliver a pick and place plan in PDF format for manual placing or error correction
- We deliver data in CAD / CAE format for fabrication and in PDF for "human interface" archiving
Archival of data
- Storage data is free of charge